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Doubtless, man on earth is sailing through unprecedented spiritual darkness IN THIS AGE. It is not strange to those acquainted with their bible. The things prophesied by the prophets of God in the Old Testament as shadows are all finding their reality in Christ since His birth, death and resurrection as the King of glory, Lord of the heavens and the earth.

The economic crisis in the world today is child’s play compared to the spiritual crisis. It is no surprise that both are occurring almost simultaneously.

To inflict partial blindness to man, his attention must be directed away from what you don’t want him to see by focusing him on another thing. In this time, like never before, Church organizations are powerfully focusing man’s attention on materialism. The American Heritage Dictionary defines materialism as “The theory or attitude that physical well-being and worldly possessions constitute the greatest good and highest value in life.” How sad!

Except for benefit of hind-sight, some of us who refer to Job favorably would not. Many “powerful ministers” of God and those following their “mandate” still can’t get the lesson the Almighty God is teaching mankind—especially His people (the Church).

The lesson is crystal clear. That which is physical is temporal and that which is spiritual is eternal. What are the implications?

*The spiritual doesn’t die!

*The spiritual is superior to the physical which passes away like grass—blown away by the wind at God’s command. In the light of this, who does God consider as wise? The answer is obvious.

It is certainly not those with doctorate degrees, not those who know how to magnate cash, not the diplomat and not the minister who has more followers than Christ or who knows how to maintain his or her followers by making sure none escapes.

Rather, it is those who refuse to depart from the fear of the Lord! Those who truly recognize the Treasure the grace of God and faith has deposited inside them freely. Those who know that a farmyard is better than a barn and so are willing to sell the barn to purchase the farmyard.

It is those who know the difference between clay and God’s surpassing power that resides in the clay and give thanks and glory to Him who lives forever. It is those desiring to live forever with the Father of light and as such, affliction never crushes them neither does perplexity leave them in a state of despair.

It is those that persecution never discourages but rather leads them to remember that Christ never forsakes them. Those who are never surprised that they’re struck down because they know they can never be destroyed. So, they cling to the resurrection mystery and power working in them knowing THAT THROUGH IT ALONE, is the life of Christ Jesus produced in them; a life that serves as a blessing to many as are being saved.

Truly, the times are dark and the mighty is falling! The first are fast becoming the last—those who claim to love Christ are treating Him and His sheep most wickedly. Those who promised Jesus that they will be His temple are permitting devil’s to inhabit the same temple they turned over to Him 1 Cor 6:19.

When materialism takes over any individual or gathering of the Church, blindness takes them over. When blindness takes over, the sad signs are; much about Jesus, talk of love, grace, peace, prosperity, prayer and  holiness without any being present. Oh! How you and I must be sound in our judgement of these things and be sober minded! The benefit of sound judgment and soberness over these matters will surely lead us all to repentance and prayer 1 Pet 4:7.

Peter the Apostle said, ” the end of all things are at hand” can you and I appreciate what the Holy Spirit is saying to us as part of Christ’ body—the things that are temporal are closing down while, the Thing that is of God is exalted. Therefore, those associated with the Thing exalted are also being exalted or glorified Rom 8:17.

Now, because of the false doctrine that, ” poverty enhances godliness”, I’ll like to state that the suffering referenced in verse 17 of Romans 8 has nothing to do with lack of money though Paul suffered lack of money often times. The clues of how he solved money issues are found in Philippians 4:11-13 and Acts 18:3.

Poverty or riches have no power to enhance or deter godliness except the soul is sold to either rather than to Jesus Christ Acts 4:12.

Physical poverty and riches can only stop us from doing the many things WE WANT TO DO FOR GOD but, they can’t stop God from doing the things He wishes to do in us and through us. Selah

It is important for us to know that materialism is not just about money—it includes “Health & wealth, purpose & power, & getting the most out of this present life as Capt. George Perez puts it in his tweet of May 8, 2012, it has become the drawing cards of contemporary Christianity”. Observe the obsession with leadership or wanting to lead and encouragement to be a leader in modern Christianity. Note the focus; then go and STUDY the book of Acts and the deception upon us will be clear.

The Spirit of God says to all who have ears “hear what the Spirit says to the gathering of His people (Churches).

Refuse to be dominated and controlled by the mind set of, “let’s build a kingdom for God on earth”. The right thing is, “lets open up His temple 1 Cor 6:19, Matt 22:37-40 for Him—after-all, He purchased it with His own blood”. We must refuse for anything—not our jobs, wives and husbands, children, friends or parents, sin or Satan to dominate our thoughts Matt 6:21. Let it be Christ dominating and controlling us while we’re busy with the affairs we engage in—in this present temporal life that is fast passing away.

This year, a beloved brother and a dear friend of mine (Patrick Njoku) whom I believed will be with us on earth for many years to come was brutally murdered. I was gripped with sorrow and wept like a child—but, my Saviour and Lord Christ Jesus comforted me by the Holy Spirit and set me loose to a fresh joy, hope and strength. The earthly or temporal business God sent the brother to do on earth suddenly has closed down—indeed, all things temporal are fast closing down.

Therefore, we’re persuaded by the Holy Spirit to give more attention to the things that will never close down. Set not your affection on treasures that close down. Set your heart on the Treasure that remains forever.

Phil Driscoll puts it like this in His song, “Christ remains“. Through every chaos and storm, Christ still remains. What does He remain doing? Watching over His sheep in life and in sleep! What shall we say concerning such a Messiah but to call Him Immanuel. Amen

God has told us that, “Even our ability to prophesy His word, speak in tongues and teach it which is only in part will pass away” much less our varied mundane abilities and possessions.

Only Love will stand and those inside Love because Love has no end 1 John 4:8, 1 Cor 13:8-9, 13.  Paul tells us, ‘ that childish ways are associated with children but, the mature give it up’. Children think temporally but the mature look into the future knowing that better things lie ahead. Things that God knows we don’t and it causes the matured to always look to the face of Christ Who only, is the revelation of God’s wonderful purpose.

Wherever God is there is love—and where love is, there is no selfish ambition! Where there is selfish ambition, Love can’t be found there—what is found is every manner of evil! By this, a wise person will judge himself or herself and their environment James 3:16.

The aim of this post is to call your mind to meditate upon Christ not some days but all the days of your life. May the grace and word of Christ cause an increasing measure of this flame in me, in you and ultimately in His Church. Amen

If superstores are posting profit and growth amid the present economic upheaval, those that are heaven bound can grow too in the stature of Christ amid the spiritual darkness. This is the ultimate purpose of God for His Church.
