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The Devil’s Aim, God’s Purpose

The Devil’s Aim, God’s Purpose

Copy of New Picture (12)John 10:10a, highlights the tactics the devil impores in an attempt to achieve his aim. The tactics are, “to steal, kill and destroy” but, we are not to let him succeed 1 Pet 5:8- 9NLT. However, if we are honest, he succeeds often times with his mischief concerning the things we own that are temporal or perishable e.g., ill health, death of our loved ones, divorces, failures of various kinds etc. The boat Paul the Apostle was travelling in was destroyed Acts 27:22 and eventually he was killed by the hands of wicked people as were Peter, Stephen and others. But, these things are not what matters the most in believers lives. He steals, and kills and destroys but, see Matt 10:28NLT.

What does the devil really intend to achieve by stealing, killing and destroying given that believers in Christ are admonished in the scriptures to hold loosely (not carelessly) to perishable things including their mortal life? Mark 8:35, Luke 12:15, 17:33. The rendition of these passages ties our earthly possessions to our mortal lives—that’s to say, they’re intertwined. It’s somewhat scary when examined closely. It means that, no matter how much we read the bible, fast and pray, the loss of material possessions can affect our mortal lives to the extent of threatening our incorruptible life if we’ve not been detached from them in our souls! This intertwinement sheds light on why we must surrender our earthly possessions at God’s feet just as we’ve done with our lives; and bless Him as we’re prompted in our hearts. All our earthly possessions are gotten with the life and grace he has given to us and the Spirit of grace is the spirit of generosity.

Therefore, the more grace we get, the more our minds are circumcised, renewed and devoted—resulting to us becoming more generous (more willing to and actually parting with temporal things whether with joy or pain). And we can be at peace even when the devil steals from us. So, the worship of God involves not just giving of ourselves but also, our time, money or produce (fruit of our labour). Those who practice the Old Testament now, give as those under the law (their choice) while those in the New Testament now, give as those under grace.

To scripturally answer the question as to the aim of the devil in destroying the perishable possessions of believers,  we need to contrast it with the core of what Jesus came to give to those who will believe in Him—see John 10:10b. We recognize that he also destroys the possessions of those who’re not believers. He does it in order to keep them blinded, unconcerned about their souls, occupied only with the affairs of this present life and possibly grieve their spirit to force them to exhibit his nature of cruelty, bitterness, hatred, and jealousy towards others. And even murder and suicide. Also, to prompt them to worship him for protection—unwise move! Seeking protection from the one whose nature is to steal, kill and destroy.

But, for believers, much more than trying to resurrect their sinful desires which belonged to their Old nature Eph 2:3 that has died and buried with Christ, he seeks to rob them of the very Life of Christ which is their hope of glory 1 Col 1:27.

While it is indisputable that God protects the life and possessions of believers Job 1:10, we know that their properties can be destroyed and they can even be killed irrespective of them having received life in abundance from Christ Jesus. When this happens, God does not consider it that the devil has accomplished anything significant and this should be the attitude of all who believe in the gospel. This is the maturity God is calling all believers to!

The thing that is valuable in a believer’s life in God’s sight is what the devil is targeting by coming to steal, kill and destroy. And it’s the Life, yes; the abundant life of God that Christ came to give man.

Job’s story sheds light on this. Unfortunately, to Job’s wife, like many of us today, she equated “God’s life” in her husband as a mere thing not worth fighting for with all he has got and even with his very own life Job 2:9. Everyone who shares in Job’s wife’s low view of God’s life will have nothing but empty or fair weather Christianity which is rampant today! The devil seems to know the value of this “Treasure of God” in us better than many of us. And if this remains the case, our worship will remain a mere religion which is earth bound 1 Cor 15:19. This explains the attractive prosperity false gospel derailing multitudes today!

The devil wanted to use stealing, killing and destroying of Job’s physical possessions and his temporal body to reach his immortal life or Faith (life of God) in him. And, the devil has not changed his tactics and will not! Our only safeguard is to love Christ above all else Matt 10:37-38.

So, how much value do YOU place on this “Treasure” you’ve freely received? Eph 2:8, 2 Cor 4:7. Hold your answer in your heart with great humility and if there is need to repent, let us do so and go to the throne of grace with a fresh determination to bear His yoke and enjoy His light. We need to constantly remind ourselves that, though our salvation has been freely given, its cost to God is staggering—He paid for you and me with His blood. In economics, we say, “The cost of a thing indicates its value” Selah!

If indeed, you have the Treasure (Christ), remain or abide in and with Him no matter what comes your way. The Faith is not for getting things though He gives us things— His core purpose is to secure and lead we believers back safely to our creator. But, be aware! Some will fail to return back home (Heaven) but will lose their way or stray away and end in the prison designed for Satan and his cohorts. God preserves but we must persevere to the end of our mortal lives or till Christ’s return. The grace has been given to all believers and more is readily available at His throne of mercy and grace for when we’re in need.

So, no one should dare treat God like a rag because of their belief in “once saved, forever saved.” Satan entered Judas at some point John 13:27 and if you think it’s an isolated case, note that he also entered Ananias at some point Acts 5:3 and read carefully 1 Tim 5:11-12 & 15. These people mentioned, were they not believers in Christ?

This whole journey of salvation starts as a gift and will end only as a gift.

But, as a people given a gift, if only we’ll treasure Him as nearly as we carefully treasure our temporal lives and possessions, His abundant life will stop being just something to read in the pages of His book (bible) but, indeed, it’ll be His rich life to be tasted. It is in understanding and participating or experiencing all the good things (imperishable and invisible divine nature) we have in Christ that we come to place Him in the highest place in our lives Philemon 1:6NLT. In it, we become immovable and always abounding in His work wherever we are.

He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.'” Rev 3:22, Isa 55:1-13.

Persevere and hold on to the faith till the end! Heb 12:2NLT.


Jealousy for God

An excerpt from Jealousy for God by T. Austin-Sparks:

I have told you all this so that you may find your peace in Me. You will find trouble in the world – but, never lose heart, I have conquered the world! (John 16:33 Phillips)

When the spiritual stands to confront the merely formal, traditional, nominal and “natural,” then there is going to be trouble. This is not now merely the reaction from the world: it is the reaction from religion. I would go further, and say it may be the reaction from Christianity. There is a very great difference between formal, traditional, nominal, “natural” Christianity, on the one side, and spiritual Christianity, on the other; a great deal of difference. So much so, that this also becomes a battlefield – the battlefield of a lot of trouble.

Leave formalism alone, and everything will go on quite quietly. Leave traditionalism alone – that is, the set order of things as it has always been; that framework of things as it has been constituted and set up and established by man; that Christianity which is the fixed, accepted system of things – and you will escape a great deal of trouble. But seek to bring in a truly spiritual order of things, and trouble arises at once. And YOU are the trouble maker! The truth is that the trouble lies in the existing condition, the situation, the state; but it is only brought out by your action.

And so spiritual men and women, and spiritual ministry, are called “trouble makers,” because the two things cannot go on together. That is where Israel was. They had the traditions, they had the oracles, they had the ordinances, they had the testimonies; they had the forms, they had the system – they had it all; but, in the days of the prophets, there was ever this vast gap between the “externals” and “internals” of life in relation with God. The heart is far removed from the lips. The spiritual reality is not found in the formal. You may have it all – but then bring in the truly spiritual meaning of things, and trouble begins in that very realm. It is the trouble which arises when what is external and traditional comes into conflict with something which is truly spiritual.


Soul Trade

It’s over 2,000 years since God came to the earth bodily to make His important purchase of the “souls” of men. The soul of man is the most important thing in the earth though it is darken, wrinkled and totally depraved —its preciousness cannot be valued by mortals. But, the fact that God was willing to pay the price with His own blood should speak volumes to all of mankind.

Since the time the blood of Christ dropped on the earth at the cross of Calvary, every soul coming into this evil world has been paid for. So, why are the souls of men still in the market place for purchase? Is your soul still in the market for sale? How much are you willing to sell it for? Who will you sell it to? The soul can be lost, it can be stolen—every soul that comes into this world can accept the price already paid for it or chose to illegally sell it for a lesser price. The reason any one will sell their soul for a lesser price is the blindfold of the devil which he achieves by appealing to the selfishness in the soul. The soul love to abuse the beautiful gift and privilege of choice from God. It will rather satisfy itself than submit to its maker but any soul that reject the price of Christ blood and illegally sell God’s rightful property will face the penalty of being put away in the prison of hell and eventually to the lake of fire for all eternity Ps 24:1, Titus 2:11, Luke 9:25.

Once Jesus had paid the price for the foundation of the church by spilling His blood, He went down to hell to preach and save all who entered this world before He came—to those who would believe in His atonement because, no soul had been saved before His sacrifice not even those who kept a great deal of God’s law Eph 4:9, 1 Pet 3:19, 4:6.

This mission of preaching the gospel to the souls who are still in the market place will remain the most important assignment God has for those who receive Christ Jesus as their Savior and Lord. This commission produces the greatest miracle of regeneration ever known to man. It’s far superior to the miracle of the Sun standing still, the red sea parting, the poor becoming rich and the dead coming back to life.

The wise counsel I was given many years back is this, “Don’t plan to execute the commission, just know His presence daily and follow His word as it resonates in your heart and do as His voice says. You don’t need a table and a secretary–just use you together with others who have His commission at the place you find yourself”. If you do this, you’re fulfilling destiny not that you’ll fulfill destiny because, to fulfill destiny, is to know Christ and walk with Him”.

“To fulfill destiny is to know Christ and walk with Him” Selah.



The Return of Christ Jesus

second coming of Christ pictures   The doctrine regarding the return of our Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ is intended to awake us His body to a daily faith filled walk with Him and to be caught up in Him. Also, to cloth us with His ever abiding presence so that we’re always ready both to give an answer for the hope we have in Him and to be called home either by death without prior notice, as we’ve been notified by Him or by being suddenly clothed with our immortal body at His appearing 1 Jn 2:28NLT, Phil 2:16NLT, 1 Cor 1:7-8NLT, 2 Pet 1:14NKJV, 1 Cor 15:52. The sounds of His trumpets are reverberating during the day and at night in the spiritual ears of those who are in Christ and keeping them alert in a way that is peaceful. This peaceful alertness, knows nothing about escapism! It’s not in a hurry to escape this life’s troubles and difficulties. Rather, it’s propelled by the unspeakable joy springing from a real sense of knowing the reality of eternal bliss with God by the help of the Holy Spirit in union with Christ who has opened an eternal way to FELLOWSHIP with God. Adam and Eve enjoyed this marvelous privilege in the Garden of Eden before self and the devil conspired to ruin this God ordained destiny for man. Handling this eternal truth of the Lord’s return as if to say His grace is becoming weak over time and we need to escape is not wise. As usual, when the things of God are dealt with in an unwise manner the devil jumps in quickly and attempts to change its purpose. It is presently crucial that we remind ourselves of the purpose of God in everything He has given to us and especially this lively teaching of His return to the earth. As stated earlier, it is to keep us in an alert state at all times in spite of any circumstances we’re in—even if we’re hard pressed on every side spiritually and physically or flying on Eagles wings and possess all the earthly things we want. On one hand, we can engage this doctrine in a way that serves only our own purpose and state of mind though unintentionally by portraying that this world is too hot for God and His worshipers and as such, He is in a hurry to run away with them before they’re defeated . Usually, Mark 13:20 is used to support this view, the interpretation of which cannot be further from the truth. If anything, we’re boldly told that the grace of God is sufficient for those in Christ! 2 Cor 12:9,1:5, Phil 4:12. The phrase in verse 20 of Matt 13, “no human being would be saved” or no flesh would have survived is a reference to being physically alive. Some elect of God must be physically alive at the time of His return and will be changed at the twinkle of an eye from mortal to immortal. Amen! On the other hand, the pretense that we’re not in need for Him to return quickly because we have so much grace, flowing in all obedience, defeating the devil and enjoying this world so much is rather a sign we’re yet to understand what God’s purpose is and what the body of Christ is truly confronting at this time. There has never been a time such as we have now— even the most devoted Christians are in anguish of heart if not for themselves, then for the exceeding danger facing the babies in Christ from being so easily deceived because of the unleashing of demons that is inspiring so many false preachers and teachers today. Their cheap doctrines tend to encourage us not to be too serious with our salvation since Christ has done it all. So, we can as well avoid suffering with Christ Rom 8:17-18, 2 Tim 2:12. It’s regrettable and disheartening! God’s grace at work in those in Christ provides sufficiently to overcome lack in any form or preserves through any situation they may face while waiting and eagerly expecting His bodily return though His visitations to them who love and obey Him are many.

His many visitations to those who are His brothers in this present world sustains them in a way the religious (moral and immoral people in the church who do not have His spirit) know nothing about! A song writer, C Austin Miles, was overwhelmed with His visitation and he burst into writing or should I say singing:He walks with me And he walks with me And He talks with me, And He tells me I am his own; And the joy we share as we tarry there, None other has ever known.

Those who taste the joy of His visitations can never be satisfied with mundane things no matter how appealing they may be. It creates in our hearts a hunger for God and for His service in a way we can hardly ever be able to fulfill fully. The words of C Austin Miles buttresses this when he said, “It is as a writer of gospel songs I am proud to be known, for in that way I may be of the most use to my Master, whom I serve willingly although not as efficiently as is my desire.” Enjoying God this much in spite of the limitation of the mortal body creates a longing to be carried away like Enoch. Also, for His appearing and our bodily resurrection to immortality which brings us into another dimension of enjoying His fatherly fellowship that can never be broken again. This fellowship is far better than the one Adam and Eve knew! Psalms and spiritual songs are blessings the Holy Spirit puts into the hearts of Christ’s bride. No wonder, we’re told that when the saints gather together in the Lord’s name, one person should have a Psalm and another have a spiritual song, mixed together, the body is greatly edified. In private, each lively stone is a musician—worshiping and edifying itself in the most Holy Faith and hope. This is the life of the spirit—it conquers all things with much joy not with tiredness, grudges, bitterness and, “please come quickly Jesus before the devil takes me to his side!” If you’re a believer, I challenge you to pray, “O God, open the window of Heaven to me” and you, open your heart too to receive blessings of Heaven that prepares and nourishes the soul. Wait patiently and see your needs met so long as you’re prepared to accept the channel God chooses. It may come through your wife or husband so, if you have no respect for your spouse, it means you’ll have to repent because they’re God’s gift to you. It may come through a brother we’re not in good terms with. God uses it as a means to workout repentance and cleansing of His body from unforgiving spirit and bringing in reconciliation among those that are quarreling. When a word or kind deed from a brother bless our hearts, it is a statement to us to be humble and let our bowel of mercy and love abound. God is working out good or light in us through everything He does for us and with us! It takes repentance to bless and receive from those we don’t like. But, God must finish off that carnal nature in our souls! Enemies on earth will not be friends in heaven—the earth is a place of reconciliation. Selah! His providence comes many times through far and strange sources that we may know He is the only one we must depend on totally; knowing He can use any person He chooses to bless us both spiritually and physically. Therefore, slavish devotion to anyone for the sake of receiving favor is not in the agenda of those who are learning to walk with Christ and eagerly expecting His return. True eager expectation of Christ’s return creates a pleasant attitude and instills a sense of deep caution in His people as to how they pursue the affairs of this life which tends to distract the heart from Him. If our attention is constantly on Him, it helps us give Him the chance to work out our utmost good not just momentary good. This kind of attitude will prevent us from spending all our time on this earth devoted to acquiring temporal things which death separates from us perpetually. Selah! Those who focus on PREDICTING the time of Christ’s return because of the rapid fulfillment of many prophetic events in our time rather than its purpose are often ensnared with wanting to advise Christ when to return and prove that their forecast is correct. This attitude may end up leading us to say, “The resurrection has already happened” maybe in the spirit–really!? 2 Tim 2:18NLT In summary, we’re to love God, use all of the grace He is making available to us to walk and work with Him daily. Then, the pre, mid, post or whatever new “revelation” might be propounded in the future will not toss us to and fro. Walking with Him and engaging the world with the gospel daily as we face our legitimate endeavors for our bodily up keeps in a watchful and prayerful manner will keep us in a state of readiness than any time framing theology can do.

Our Christ, brother and bridegroom will come when the Father chooses (next week, 20 or 100 years from now), we’ll not be caught unawares if we take up the profession of digging into the purpose of the faith daily and ridding ourselves of the refuge of lies material bound teachers are filling our atmosphere with.

Those who truly have the hope of His return (now a trash talk for many); understand the dichotomy between the spiritual and physical—being fully persuaded that there is indeed life with God after this momentary mortal life. Therefore, knowing that the spiritual life is far more superior to the physical, the wise is more devoted to handling physical affairs with the eyes of the spiritual Rev 3:17, Prov 4:23. For, the spiritual gave birth to the physical and will eventually dominate! Heb 10:23NLT, 2 Cor 4:16-18. Amen Finally, I implore you not to be alarmed to hear that, ‘His return may happen in a matter of few days, 20 or even 100 years from now’ because, the Father owes none of His sons explanations for His actions especially as it pertains to the return of Christ Jesus Matt 24:36, 1 John3:3, Heb 9:28. Maranatha!

Thou hast lacked nothing

This excerpt from “Beauty for Ashes Part 5” is written by George H. Warnock–a beloved brother in Christ. Exposing how self centeredness led to wrong expression of emotions which eventually led the children of God to idolatry (worship of things and the enemy of their God and their souls). This holds a lesson for us today, as we seek a simple and truthful walk with God.

Quail Instead of Manna

The people of God were on their way to Canaan. Even in their much murmuring and complaining God had been faithfully making every provision for them: manna from heaven that provided absolutely every nutrient that they needed for physical health and strength. Water out of the Rock… pure and fresh, and so mingled with the life of God that it was called “spiritual drink”. The Cloud of His presence overshadowed them by day and by night. Briefly stated, Moses declared:

“Thou hast lacked nothing”. But they got tired of it all. The vision of Canaan became something far-out and strange. This precious food God gave them became something they loathed. It didn’t satisfy their fleshly appetites anymore. It didn’t seem to fill them up. (We have dealt with all this at some length in the writing “Beauty For Ashes Part II – A Way Through The Wilderness“).

They complained to Moses, and Moses told God about it… and God said “I will send them flesh to satisfy the lusts of their hearts… I will send so much of it they will not know how to handle it”. What a strong warning to us in this day! If we forsake the vision of those “far-out” fruits of Canaan land, and continue crying out for temporal blessings… God might listen to our cries! God sent them so much fleshly blessing it seemed to fall like rain from the sky,–but it was a blessing that became a curse. The prophet Malachi said, “If ye will not hear, and if ye will not lay it to heart… I will curse your blessings” (Mal. 2:2).

Even while God was blessing them and answering their prayers, they were “sinning against Him” “provoking Him”… “Tempting Him”… “Speaking against Him”… “Limiting Him”. (See Psa. 78). I know God is blessing His people today in copious showers everywhere. But in many cases there are resentments and murmurings against God and man, hard-feelings, unforgiving attitudes of the heart. And perhaps most of this stems from lack of vision for the true riches. The deeper life that comes in abiding union with Christ is set at naught for the enjoyment of temporary blessings that soon wither away.

In the morning God “rained” manna on them from heaven. And at eventide He “rained” flesh on them by an east wind, (In the scriptures the “east wind” speaks of blight, and drought, and judgment). And while He was answering their prayer His anger was kindled against them.

He “opened the doors of heaven, and had rained down manna upon them… He rained flesh also upon them as dust, and feathered fowls as the sand of the sea” (Psa. 78:21-27). It wasn’t something the Devil sent. God sent it… because they insisted they were starving to death with that loathsome manna. Actually they were never so healthy in their lives. There was not one “feeble one among them” as they walked with God, and partook of His provision with thankful hearts. The leanness they thought they had, kept them in good health and strength. They thought they were too “lean” by eating the manna; but when they ate the quail, God “sent leanness into their soul” (Psa. 106:15).

Notice this very awesome fact: While they were chewing on the food that God sent them, “The wrath of God came upon them, and slew the fattest of them” (Psa. 78:31).

Now if all this sounds strange and perplexing it is because we do not understand Gods righteous judgments. We can see an enactment of this same story right in our midst today. Once again in the midst of the Church we have “a mixed multitude” who have “mixed desires” (See Num. 11:4). We better seek the Lord earnestly that He would purge from our hearts every desire that is not from Him. Because if we want God, but want carnal blessings along with it,–God may send the manna in the morning, and the quail in the evening. “Purge our hearts, Lord, from evil desire, that we might delight ourselves only in Thee.”

What did Moses the prophet of God mean by telling His people that they have “lacked nothing”!? Was He lying? Because, the people were still in the wilderness not in a posh neighborhood, didn’t have houses, their children were not in schools that will guarantee their earthly futures, didn’t own chariots (admirable cars), the girls available for the boys to marry and vice versa didn’t have bright future, their husbands and wives were not doing so well like those of other nations etc. These are the things that had the highest priority in their hearts and not having them, created excessive bother to them, made them hurt, sad, sorrowful, bitter and jealous and then, rebellious against God’s servants, murmur, and eventually lead them to idolatry.

If the same lust for things hidden in their hearts is in our own hearts, in the time of exposing what is in the heart (time of testing) why would we think it wouldn’t lead us to end the same way they ended except for the few who knew what the faith was really meant for. Which is, to worship, edify His people and teach pagans to accept the God of Israel and stop crisis crossing the earth for cucumber which lasts only for a season!

If we have Christ indeed, we lack nothing! All the blessings God can give to us to prove He loves us and that we belong to Him is Christ in our spirit and soul. Christians who realize this truth enjoy this present life while it lasts through every circumstance (rich or poor not withstanding). If you’re a minister of the gospel, don’t let the graveyard preach this truth more than you do!  For it will be a shame to you! Selah!
