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Picture of False Doctrine

Check out this picture and see how it amazingly portrays the appearance of FALSE DOCTRINE.false doctrine
The light from above the plant seems bright enabling photosynthesis.

The fruit of the plant is white, attractive and the leaves really green and looking like life giving.

But look CLOSELY and OBSERVE the thistles beautifully and systematically arranged on the fruits and edges of the leaves. This at least to me is the best pictorial expression of false teaching I have ever seen.

It is funny to me how having looked at the plant, my mind associated it with deception. Creation is speaking to mankind about the glory of God and at the same time sending out messages of warnings to man. It’s like before earthquakes, tsunamis and droughts occurs less intelligent creatures- beast of the fields and birds of the air get the sign, prepare and flee for safety.

Lord help us, your children, to understand the seasons not by observing the weather but by giving ear to your word and spirit. Amen

Human Intelligence is no match to forces of darkness in the day of battle but the Lord of all wisdom who Himself is wisdom has given us His tested word that cannot fail. It will guide us into victory over the enemy as he is already slain and defeated by the Captain of our salvation.

All we need do is keep in step with Him (Gal 5:25).


Desire The Glory of God

There is a great need and reason for us to keep praying for God’s promises to us to be fulfilled even when it looks impossible and too late.

A burning Desire to see The Glory of God in All Things will propel fresh faith and patience in us as we grow weak in ourselves and strong in Christ. The feeblest in Christ is still a warrior in the day or season of battle hence the statement by Jesus in (Matt 11:11) “the least in the kingdom of God is greater than John the Baptist”.

The promise of God to us is meant for his glory much more than for our momentary pleasures and that is a platform for the grace God gives to His people.

Caleb was Promised Land inheritance when he was a young man and at about 85 years, he still wanted the promise fulfilled even though he did not know how many more years he had to enjoy it. He considered enjoying it a less priority to the praise and glory it will bring to God’s name as a faithful God to future generations.

Abraham is another example for everyone who has a promise from God. When having his own children as promised by God had become impossible and too late humanly speaking, his desire for God’s glory continually renewed his faith and patience. His mistake as it were, is a direct result of his imperfection which we all have. However, it is encouraging to know that our mistakes as imperfect servants of God does not nullify God’s promises according to His sovereign will.

When we earnestly seek to glorify God, we are at the same time reaching out to possess the glory He has prepared for us in Christ Jesus (Phil 3:14). Paul understood this too well and it was a pure motivation for his ministry (service) to God.

Abraham’s imperfection was given room to birth impatience because of the impatient voice of Sarah (Sarah can represent anyone that speaks into our lives) Gen 16:2. It’s a story that holds a lesson to be learnt. If the voice was a voice of patience what a difference it would have made to Abraham. Certainly it would have been different to the result of his action which still lingers till date.

There is a need to be cautious while trying to encourage or even correct, teach and rebuke any child of God. A voice of faithlessness, impatience and also sentimental criticism must be avoided.

The benefit we derive from God answering our prayers for material things will always be less than the reward we get from using that blessing to serve God in ways that announce the giver than the gift.

Desiring to see the glory of God is a great catalyst for answered prayers. It results to a broad benefit that includes others in the present time and future generation.

How we feel about the promise God has made to us is not as important as the intention of God in making the promise to us and as such, we must never give up (Hab 3:17-19, 2:3). Let faith and patience prevail for God is ever faithful. As we meditate upon His word and pray may we find a new strength today. Amen



Justification by faith in Christ is an elementary doctrine (Heb 6:1, 11:6).

Having a participatory understanding of the doctrine of justification by faith in Christ Jesus is a basic requirement for anyone who claims to be a minister of the new covenant (2 Cor 3:6). Not getting this doctrine right can be likened to a workman given a gift box of tools necessary for accomplishing a job but, refuses to acknowledge the key tool (justification) within the box.

There is no deliverance from legalism and guilt without a participatory understanding of justification by faith in Christ just as there is no justification by faith in Christ that is not accompanied by an overcoming grace. For sin shall not have dominion over the saints (Ps 19:13, Rom 6:14)

Dave Jenkins has rightly divided God’s truth on his recent article on the subject. The time you spend reading through this teaching will be well worth it even if you already have a good grasp of it. It renews the heart’s love for Jesus and ignites fresh praise to God. Read it Justification


Don’t Be Grieved

God's leading


Often times God intends to get our attention by asking us a particular question repeatedly as was the case with Peter (John 21:15-17). The temptation is to be grieved because we believe God knows our heart pertaining to the matter for which He is questioning us.

We also saw God repeatedly bringing a vision to Peter’s attention but this time, Peter had matured in the ways of the Lord. And as such, though He was perplexed as God’s ways will always be to us, he was not grieved thereby opening a window for his obedience to God. And his obedience led to the blessing of salvation and baptism in the Holy Spirit to others (Acts 10:9-48).

As we enjoy the Lord’s presence in fellowship and prayer, and hear His voice in a repeated questioning way deep in our hearts, may we be wise to pause and give attention to Him. That waiting (meditating) to understand what He is really saying can save us from a lot of trappings of the devil and bless us in a huge way and profit others immensely.

The Lord’s probing questions is not meant to grieve us. He knows us better than we will ever know ourselves and His love and care for us knows no bounds.

May the Lord help us to KNOW His boundless love towards us that we serve Him gladly with all patience (Romans 8:28).


Mavis duCille: In His Name

In these days, there is so much strife and division among people that there has been the need to cry out, “Lord, how can these things be?”

The natural, physical body functions beautifully and perfectly, without any single part being against the other. This physical body is a type of the Spiritual Body, therefore, there must be a perfect function of the Body of Christ.

God divides and separates through the working of the Spirit – good from evil, light from darknesss, righteousness from unrighteousness – so that His people can be free from all the works of the enemy, and be separated unto Him in Holiness and Righteousness – PRAISE GOD.

God, the giver of understanding, has been unveiling the mystery.

Deliverance from every situation is in HIS NAME – not name as label on someone or something, but HIS NAME which is HIS NATURE. That nature is love, peace, submission, etc. Whatsoever we ask in His Name.

So many times, believers come together and leave undelivered and unblessed – frustrated and discouraged, not having received from the Lord that which has been promised. The reason is that something is wrong with the gathering or the gathered; it was not in HIS NATURE. There may be unforgiveness, hatred, bitterness, malice, strife, guile, cunning craftiness, and such things that are contrary to the NATURE of Christ. It is like having flies in the ointment. Clean hands and a pure heart is that acceptable offering before God. Remember, God looks at the inner being. He sees light or darkness. Forgiveness and cleansing through the atonement sanctifies the vessel, making way for the greatest blessings.

God cannot bless while the contrary nature is encouraged in the soul. All the sacrifices and necessary preparations were made in the Outer Court so the services of the tabernacle would not be hindered in any way, hence the needs of the people were met. When Israel made the perfect sacrifice, God was pleased and they were blessed to the fullest. Their enemies could not stand before them; they had complete victory in all areas. When they transgressed, they fell prey to their enemies, even to the bondage of slavery.

The fruits of the flesh (anger, wrath, malice, strife, envy, bitterness, etc.) are all works of the evil one, works of darkness – where Satan presides as lord. When we therefore entertain these, we fall into the realm of darkness where Satan has power over us. We only have power in Christ; we have no power in darkness.

“Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with ALL malice: And be ye Kind one to another, TENDERHEARTED, FORGIVING one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath FORGIVEN YOU.” Ephesians 4:31-32.

There should be no place given to the devil, or he will take advantage of every opportunity to rob and destroy.

PRAISE GOD. WE ARE MORE THAN CONQUERORS, because God made available to us, His People, every necessary piece of armament to insure us the victory.

His active presence can be experienced in the fullness of His revealed character. His NAME is linked with His righteousness, faithfulness, holiness, goodness, mercy, love, truth, etc. – that is His NAME. Since the assembling of believers forms the basis for spiritual unity with Christ, for participation of His bounties and viewing of His Sovereignty, believers must, through the divine power, rise from the lower realm (which is the opposite and contrary nature) to partake of that DIVINE NATURE.

God will not share His Glory. There must be a rejecting of one nature in order to receive the other nature. Self takes the place of Christ in the soul – the more self is rejected and cast out, the more of Christ we can have.

Times without number in the scriptures, this principle is seen in operation of someone calling on the name of the Lord:


Elijah had faith in God; he knew God’s divine purpose. It was a time when Israel should halt no longer between two opinions: they had to make a decision between God and Baal. Though there were four hundred and fifty prophets of Baal, Elijah knew His God whom he served. Baal was stilled before the Almighty. God answered not only by consuming Elijah’s sacrifice with fire, but licked up all the water that was poured onto the sacrifice and the very stones also. PRAISE GOD.

There is record of priests going to offer sacrifice in disobedience and rebellion – they were consumed.

Some went to cast out devils – instead the devils turned on them and tore them.

The spirits of darkness will only recognize the power and authority (which is the nature) that accompanies the NAME OF JESUS. This NAME is not enshrined in a system, doctrine, external influences, church organization or men’s ideas, but in righteousness, truth and holiness, because He is Saviour – the giver of inspiration. This living stone rejected of men, but to God’s elect, precious. See 1st Peter 2:4-5. All who are enjoined to this LIFE become lively stones, building up the spiritual house, each stone maintaining its proper relationship to the other, permanently connected with Christ, furnishing a habitation for God. Great and wonderful mystery – Praise God. A branch connected to the vine will bring forth fruit of its kind (of the vine).

Where two or three are gathered together in His name (NATURE), He is there in the MIDST to bless and to do THEM GOOD. Praise God it is TWO OR THREE – it does not have to be a large congregation with all the trappings of organization, just two and three gathered IN HIS NATURE. The grounds for the blessing therefore is basically:


Christ is identified with the Church – HE IS HEAD, and must be recognized as such. He is the vine; we are the branches. See John 15:1.

This dynamic power, working through submitted vessels, produces the impossible: revealing to us and renewing in us the lost image and likeness of God, being in us that all-sufficient source of PURITY AND POWER.

Christ is not content to be represented by His people in words; He wants to reign in and be Himself in His people. God has given man the capacity to rise far beyond the limits of his own individuality.

When we gather together in HIS NATURE, He is in the midst to BLESS AND DO US GOOD. He expresses Himself when there is submission to His Nature.