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Grace and Law (2)

In contrast, those who come under the law of the spirit of life IN Christ Jesus by believing, accepting and relying on His finished sacrifice on the cross and His subsequent resurrection from the dead are forgiven their “sin” and sins. They are brought into and are being taken from one degree of glory to another IN Christ Jesus as they meditate on God’s law taught by the Holy Spirit through the scriptures that Christs’ stature (life) might abound more abundantly in them and through them .

Those who enjoy verse 1 primarily must set their mind on the spirit because they are empowered to do so now unlike when they were under a different law. Setting the mind on the things (laws of God- which Jesus has become for us -(Rom 10:4), we then follow after Jesus who is the fulfillment of the law for those IN Him (Heb 5:9). This whole blessing culminates to life (righteousness), peace and resurrection. (Rom 8:3-11)

Romans 12:1 is predicated on the FACT that those being exhorted have been called into the privilege of Rom 8:1 and as such have been “given” the GRACE i.e, POWER (John 1:12) to enable them obey verse 1 of Romans 12. And this is the way God intends for us to let His word to become flesh in us for the praise and glory of His Holy name. The sacrifice associated with the new law is not like the old law that needed repeated sacrifices that neither cleaned the spirit of the worshipers nor sanctified them (Heb 7:27 and 10:1).

The premise of this big claim of not being under the old law is that one is lead by the spirit not an Apostle, Teacher, Pastor, Prophet, Evangelist or small group leader (Gal 5:18, Rom 8:9 “If in fact” and 2 Cor 13:5). This emphases is not to diminish the five-fold ministry and other spiritual gifts that God has blessed the Church with for her instruction and edification. I am a product of the benefit of those invaluable ministries having been in the Church for close to three decades only (only because I’m privileged to have those who have been in Christ far longer and God keeping me alive, the journey has only just began).

So grace and truth that God gives to us His sons is to enable us glorify Him while we are yet clothed with mortal bodies and waiting for our resurrection bodies with which we (His sons- male and female) will worship and praise Him forever.

The beginning and the journeying through to the end of our salvation and redemption is by the grace of the one who foreknew us and predestined us to be CONFORMED to the image of His first begotten Son by whom He is bringing many other sons to glory. The Grace of God makes the believer this or that and work IN the believer who then serve or work as a conduit for the out flowing of the work grace is accomplishing within him or her (1 Cor 15:10)

May the grace of God upon you and I not be in vain. For grace is given to us that we might labour (serve fervently) the course of Christ to whom be praise forever. Amen

Let NO ONE deceive you with empty philosophy- use not the freedom of the grace as license for laziness, lasciviousness and sin. Has the type of grace you received helped mortification of your carnal instinct? If not, forget what your theological camp is saying and reach out to the throne of grace (Heb 4:16 and Phil 4:13)

Take Delight in Honouring Each Other (Rom 12:10)

Respect must be given to those who it is due, but undue respect is an evil that must also be avoided at all costs. Those who have won the trust of the people of God based on their fear, love and devotion to scripture (God’s infallible word) must persevere in the preservation of God or they will rightfully lose the respect and love they had from God’s household (body of Christ). Some wouldn’t mind given that their denominational firms and associates in theological camps will still support them to their own shame and destruction.

The happenings in present day Christendom are really disturbing to those who are truly alive in the Spirit and keeping in step with its leading (Gal 5:25-26). I know some will say it is the sign of the end time but as true as that is, God wants to save many (though few in comparison to those who will reject Christ) we must preach and teach the undiluted word of God which is able to save our souls to the utmost and that of our hearers (Jude 1:3 and 2 Tim 2:15).

Always be glad because of the Lord! I will say it again: Be glad. Always be gentle with others. The Lord will soon be here – Maranathan! (Phil 4:4-5).

Grace and Law (1)

The catch-up with antinomianism mentality is fast sweeping MANY across all facets of Christendom. Refusing the “in-crowd” mentality which is more often than not remotely driven by narcissism is readily seen as pride.

The fact remains that we are NOW paying a huge price for the error of some decades back when false teachers and prophets were empathized with in direct disobedience to scriptures that “command” that they should be REBUKED SHARPLY AND PUT OUT OF FELLOWSHIP OF SAINTS. Also, WARN brethren to avoid their materials and give them no funding or support of any sort (Titus 1:10-16, 1 Tim 1:20 and 2 Tim 4:15). The intention of this is to encourage and push them to reconsider their ways and repent.

Those most respected today in Christendom are the very ones that are selling out so fast that I’m honest to say it is frightening. Their subtle arrogance and impetus beats the imagination. May the Lord show mercy on us and help us!

Well when men have enough follower-ship to sustain their invented godly (actually ungodly) ambition to reach the whole world for Christ (for themselves) they cannot but be insistent in their error and misleading the people for whom Christ suffered, died and resurrected to save.

“We’re justified by grace so that we’re able to do good works. The works don’t save us; they’re the result of our salvation!”- Shane Raynor. This statement is so simple the unschooled can understand it and love, fear, praise and worship God joyfully. Why those who claim to be “big” ministers that love and fear God would want to complicate it and intimidate people with high sounding academic philosophies which at best destroys people’s pure faith is hard to understand. But it is actually not hard to understand, it’s the work of deceiving spirits as predicted by scriptures (1 Tim 4:1).

Things that can be seen came out from things that cannot be seen. So also, activities took place in the unseen and have been proven by what we can see -creation- (Heb 11:3). The things we can see testify to the things that we cannot see. Those who are saved keep their mind on the things of the Spirit and bear visible fruit (Christ’s stature) that gives light to the world pointing her to Jesus Christ the only saviour of all men (Acts 4:12)

In the same manner, the workings of the Holy Spirit within a believer is exhibited by visible proof of goodness (Eph 5:9, Gal 5:22) and not (Gal 5:19-22) which are visible fruit of a mind set on the flesh and subject to the old law.

Romans 8:1-2 KJV states a heartwarming and indisputable truth. Verse 2 clarifies how verse 1 came to be- the “LAW” of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus accomplished it in those who are gifted with the privilege of verse 1. The people who are now enjoying the privilege of verse 1 were under the “LAW” of sin and death before. On one hand, this law teaches those under it right from wrong but does not empower them to fulfill its demands because their minds are carnal but the law is spiritual ( Rom 7:14, Gal 5:25).

On the other hand, the second law (law of the spirit of life IN Christ Jesus) empowers those under it to fulfill the law. So those enjoying verse 1, are under the second law. And that law is being written in their mind. God has not permitted that any soul should be without law for that will lead to lawlessness and acrimony which describes the devil and his activities.

The greatest evidence that points to those under the law of sin and death is their practice of much effort to clean the outside of the cup (outward actions) while the inside of the cup (inward actions) are unclean. They do this because they are aware that salt cannot make itself salty. Sinners cannot by themselves save themselves period!

Mavis duCille: On Divine Providence (2)

Should God withdraw outward prosperity from His people, and hardships are experienced, there is still a sense in which He is doing good.

Divine Providence is always working THAT WHICH IS GOOD. Being afflicted yields correction for subsequent benefit, and is an exercise in strength, faith, patience, obedience and endurance. Anything that drives man closer to God is for good, therefore, temporary distresses work for the Christian an eternal weight of glory. The ungratifying circumstances can be numbered among God’s good gifts, and the expression of His beneficence if rightly used to lasting profit.

Jacob’s divisive thinking was changed from vanity to profit, through Divine Providence. He is a God of present help, present power, present refuge. Jacob or no other could have thought out that plan for present help – Divine Providence took care of it all, and Jacob must have rejoiced in such a deliverance from a plotting, scheming mind, into the mind of one who could rightly be called Prince of God (Israel). This brought him into the place of a more personal experience with God, thus the expression – THE GOD OF JACOB (the God that Jacob experienced – the God of power and might).

Jesus Christ, our Providence, does not only see ahead, but watches over His people. He has a concentrated attention that extends to every place and circumstance, seeing into the minutest as also the largest situations, caring for the smallest as well as the greatest, watching over the affairs of men (their success and failure, even the most insignificant things), protecting and caring in every way.

Divine Providence has a restricting and preventing hand. Though man may be allowed to cherish and manifest his evil desires, it causes him to either hate and despise the evil, or through God’s providence, submit his will to be united with God’s will in the operation of righteousness, or love and embrace evil to his own destruction.

God is in perfect control of good and evil, yet every man is free, but justice must be meted out to the rebellious and mercy for all who seek mercy.

Divine Providence secures moral order in the world, a power to discourage vice and encourage virtue. The circumstances that govern man from birth (environmental, etc.) are not humanly controlled, and man, being a creature of choice, is able through Divine Providence (God’s intervention) to escape destruction or whatever is determined against him. God is directly involved with His creation, and will always allow particular events to work His perfect will – whether it be in working virtue in, or evil out of us.

Rejoice therefore, and let the circumstances work in us that which nothing else could do. Circumstances change things for good or evil, but God’s intervention will always cause that change to be FOR GOOD.

The Battle


There are so many battles going on in the earth today — battles between continents, nations, families, religions and individuals. It’s getting more intense than ever before and destroying countless human lives. The financial strain and stress like other hash afflictions is biting deeper into the center of the heart of MANY and expressing itself in their negative worldview.

Sufferings are revealing the type of treasure hidden in the heart of all human beings (Matt 12:35). It has power to disunite one’s heart— no wonder, David screamed “unite my heart to fear your name” (Ps 86:11) — this should be our cry to the Lord today.

Suffering stirs battles within the human mind. And the battle of the end times is predicted by scripture to be fiercer within the soul of those who profess Christ because, evil spirits whose end is destruction by God has come.

There has never been any time in the history of the Church that carnal minded men have swayed the people of God as much as in these times we live in. The present depressing news in the world is awakening man to the fact that we are not really in control of the world as we childishly think often times. If you are in Christ, you are blessed because you have a lively hope but please be careful that no one exploits your seeking after God to make prey of you.

Chalatants have gone out to deceive many! But as always, God clearly calls His sheep to hear, love and follow Him above all other things when His word is properly trumpeted.

Praise God for the weapon He has given all who take refuge in Christ Jesus Eph 6:10-14, 2 Cor 6:7, 10:4. The time to display openly for all to see and know that Jesus Christ is the Lion of the tribe of Judah, Lord of lords, King of kings and Prince of peace has come closer than ever before and as such, the branches that abide in Him are going to yield all their fruit to full measure and those that abide not are going to be bundled in preparation to be burnt. Indeed, creation will see not only the glory of God which is Christ but also the manifestation that God truly delivered His remnants as sons.

Will God speak and will He not bring to pass all He has spoken Matt 5:18.

1 Timothy 4:1, clarifies that wickedness will be wide spread because of the activities of demon spirits in people’s souls and their love will grow cold towards God. This unfortunate situation will prepare the soul of many to yield a full measure of evil that represents the image of the beast (2 Tim 3:2-8). At the time these activities intensifies to its apex, many more will respond in reaction to the image of the beast and fall prey because they took their eyes (heart, soul and body) away from the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus who is the author and finisher of His stature in the sons of God.

Looking Unto Jesus Still
Let’s look at Heb 12:2, we notice the admonition to presently and continuously fix our eyes on Jesus.

First point is this: If before now you looked up to anything in addition to Christ, take away the addition and now look only to Jesus.

Second point: Identify and acknowledge that our Faith speaks of the salvation and redemption God has given us and is giving in Christ and not some tool for visualizing and claiming things.

Third point: Identify and acknowledge that there is a JOY that accompanies our salvation enjoyed only dimly now but has an immeasurable measure awaiting those who will overcome.

Fourth point: Identify, acknowledge and participate in enduring the cross (yoke-burden) of Christ which involves a lot of shame. It entails valuing the things that are not as if they are! It involves living well and strong in the kingdom of God that is not apparent.

Finally, it means trusting only in Jesus as the author (giver) and finisher (completer) of this great and wonderful salvation.

Exhibiting Christ Stature
It will increasingly become difficult to exhibit the character, image or stature of Christ in this end time when the image of the beast (spirit and life of Satan) will be more rampantly expressed especially among those whom it was least expected as those professing Christ. Because of this falling away, it will cause greater temptation to others if they fail to depend on the Holy Spirit Who leads us to the throne of grace to pray.

Let us turn our attention intently to Jude chapter 1 while keeping in mind the exhortation in (Heb 12:2). In Jude 1:21a, we read these heartwarming words “Keep yourselves in the love of God” this statement quickly calls to mind the exhortation and admonition in 1 John 4:7-8, which is the greatest description and expression of who God is in character, image or stature. And that is the sum total of who God want His Son’s (Christ) bride- YOU and I to be.

How Do We Keep Constant in the Love of God?
Again we read in Jude 1:21b, -wait, waiting, awaiting or looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ. Reading that takes the mind to the invitation of the Holy Spirit in (Heb 4:16). Jude makes it clear that it is not just a futuristic call but a call to be practiced as a life style now. This Life style of waiting in season and out of season is in anticipation of the mercy of Jesus. Heb 4:16 tells us that this only occurs at the throne of grace where our High priest forever after the order of Melchizedek has already prevailed for us (THE CHURCH). Therefore, the persuasion of the Spirit that we pray at all times and under all circumstances without ceasing makes more sense to those who are yielding to the admonition to keep oneself in the love of God. The revelation that mercy and grace is the mechanism that sustains in the love of God should make us reach out to the grace room of God through individual and corporate prayers more now than ever before.

We see David described as a man after God’s own heart proclaiming and speaking to his own soul in Ps 62:5 “my expectation or hope is in you alone”– what hope could he be speaking about but the hope of his salvation (Ps 62:1) which is now this gift we are enjoying in Christ Jesus our Lord to whom be praise forever more. Amen

The Spirit exhorts the body of Christ with wise counsel in Isaiah 40:31 and Rev 12:14 amplifies the truth that God who have loved and promised to save a remnant to Himself will do it without fail. But we must wait in the place of His grace that we may not fall short of it because its what ensures our possession of eternal life in Christ.

Expressing His love in this intensifying Evil Times
Making our calling and election sure: Will you and I obey the following scripture in
Galatians 6:10a, “as we have opportunity”. This will mean as the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus instructs you and I to do good to anyone in diverse occasions. We are not under the law of commandments of sin and death. So, we are not bound by expectations of others and their conception of wrong and right but the Holy Spirit guides and instructs all who are in Christ by the written word in the bible.

Galatians 6:10b, “Do good to all men” includes without excuses our enemies (Matt 5:44).

Galatians 6:10c, “and especially to those of the household of faith”. Household of faith is not speaking of those who belong to our denominational firms. It means all those who are in Christ and walk in Christ expressing the life of Christ in holy living and love. It means those with whom we fellowship in spirit and truth (1 John 1:7). Therefore, if the Lord establishes that someone is His child in our hearts, we must not discriminate against him or her because they don’t camp with us (Mark 9:38-40)

Let us conclude by hearing our Lord Himself exhort us. To do that, we turn to (Mark 9:49-50) and it reads “For everyone will be tested with fire. Salt is good for seasoning, but if it loses its flavor, how do you make it salty again? You must have the qualities of salt among yourselves and live in peace with each other.”

The gift of our salvation is not a cheap oneJesus paid the price. Salt (The life of Christ in man) was given because Jesus Christ paid the price. Salt cannot make its self salty therefore; persevere in your saltiness wherein you have been salted. Let NO ONE deceive you with empty philosophy. Evil communication (hearkening to false doctrine) deteriorates and removes the saltiness of the salt.

We are in the time when men will look back (turn against Christ) because they have squirrel eyes instead of the single eye that looks forward unto Jesus alone. As the Lord is with all His precious ones at these times, may the precious ones increase in desire to be with Him always (Luke 9:62, Deut 6:5)


Mavis duCille: On Divine Providence (1)

Some weeks ago, I awoke in the wee hours of the morning with a verse of scripture in my heart – Philippians 4:19.

“But my God shall supply all your need, according to His riches in glory…”

On receiving this scripture, the first thought that came to my mind was in the natural. “Oh yes,” I thought, “God is going to supply physical and financial needs.” Soon, however, the Lord opened my understanding to realize that the greatest need today is that we may KNOW HIM, in His acts and ways. Yes, we stumble and falter and are discouraged, because we are not acquainted with His ways and His dealings with His creatures.

Surely, He provides for our physical needs, but sometimes He uses methods that cause us to be built up in faith and virtue. When these dealings are set in motion, the flesh or carnal nature (because of lack of knowledge) rises up and rebels and then breaks. Divine Providence is that which slays the MAN, so that the CHRIST might live and be exalted in our lives. He knows the ingredients and proportions necessary to do the job, but also, how we scream and squirm when the knife of circumstances begins to cut away the flesh. Sometimes we are unaware of the fact that “…it works the peaceable fruit of righteousness.”

God’s Providence proclaims His wisdom – beyond man’s knowledge and experience. No other could form the correct plan for man to gain the desired results.

HIS POWER: God alone has the ability to exercise authority impartially – He sustains the world.

On many occasions, Divine Intervention shows His power in miraculous deeds of deliverance. His mighty hand and outstretched arm, by which He brought His people out of Egypt, is still mighty and outstretched in our time. He showed His power over the power of Pharaoh, and now He has given us POWER OVER THE POWER OP THE ENEMY. No matter what your battle might be at this time, God has given you power through Divine Providence over that strong thing which oppresses you. REACH OUT AND LAY HOLD OF THAT POWER RIGHT NOW, AND THE GOD OF PROVIDENCE SHALL SET YOU FREE.

HIS GLORY: His wealth, splendor and honor – we are His product in righteousness through grace – we are His Glory, being His workmanship.

HIS PRESENTATION: Divine Providence presents God’s nature to mankind, that His Glory may fill THE TEMPLE. The temple must be emptied of all ugliness, that it might be filled with His Glory, which sometimes is like taking the bitter herbs, which the Israelites had to eat with the roasted lamb.

HIS GOODNESS: He is honorable, admirable and worthy. Oh, the beneficence of God extending far beyond what we ask or think. One writer says “God is morally perfect and gloriously generous.” This is a very apt description of His goodness. Maintaining the thought that GOD IS GOOD is a sustaining factor throughout our walk and experience with God. What God does, creates, commands, gives and allows is done through His goodness, always mindful of Creation and His creatures. Thus, all things can work together for good – seeing, He through Divine Providence can cause what was intended for evil to work good, though sometimes after much cutting of the flesh. Total trust and total obedience is absolutely necessary as God deals with us, seeing His ways are past finding out, BUT one thing is sure, it works for our good to them that love Him. “If you love me, keep my commandments.” LOVE therefore is fulfilled in trust and obedience.