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Messengers: The Mystery of Time and Chance

Ecclesiastes 9:11

There is a wide spread misunderstanding of the subject of chance in the Church and as such many argue that chance does not happen to Christians. The book of Ecclesiastes included in the sixty-six books that make-up the canon of scripture (the bible) states that chance happens to everyone on the earth.

Chance is an event that occurs without the deliberate intervention of man when spiritual orchestration and physical sequence meet to create a natural event.

The spiritual side can originate from God or Satan. When it is God inspired we call it a blessing and if Satan influenced, we call it a curse and evil.

Firstly, the scripture tells us that God spiritually orchestrates things by blowing the wind where He wishes.

Secondly, the Devil also orchestrates his wishes through his arrows that fly by day and by night.

The knowledge of physics confirms that wind can aid (allow) or disallow arrows from reaching their target(s).

God has promised all His children who put their faith in Him and are lead by His Spirit that the Devil’s arrows will not come near (defeat) them because His wind will constantly blow them away to the waterless places and they are covered by the blood sacrifice of Christ (Eph 6:16, Psalm 91:5 &7, 1 Cor 10:13). Paul substantiates this by revelation in Rom 8:28, Eph1:11 and Job’s story which represents the life of the bride of Christ holds lessons for the Church.

Retaining the fear of God, His love, His righteousness and consistent prayer life, fasting, study of the bible and meditation on the rhema of God contributes towards our response (physical sequence) to achieve our safety and blessings but ultimately God’s sovereignty accomplishes it (Prov 16:1, Phil 2:13). For God has ordained that when we’re asleep, our high priest neither slumbers nor sleeps. He is ever making ceaseless intercession for the heirs of salvation (Heb 7:25).

Time births events and time has its limitations and is subject to God who lives outside time. So, time is a servant of the Almighty God. He combines time and chance for His ultimate purpose and pleasure.

The race is not to the swift
God uses time and chance to influence the race to which humans are involved in on the earth in such a way that the outcome is not determined by the swift (those that move fast when need) but by Him. This point does not negate the necessity to move fast when needed but is an emphasis that is not those who move fast at the right time that win the race. There are other factors called time and chance that ultimately and truly determines outcomes of all races. Sports men and women know this too well-a champion runner can start a race well and fast but trip and fall or suddenly lose breath unduly without any prior symptom of illness before the race.

The battle to the strong

God uses time and chance to influence battles such that the outcome is not determined by the strong. The Egyptians still remember what their fore-fathers experienced when they pursued the weak Israelites to destroy them in the wilderness.

Bread to the wise

God uses time and chance to influence bread in a way that its benefit is not determined by the wise (Eccl 11:1). The percentage of return from a bread cast into water is not determined by the wise. There are many wise people who lack bread and while this may have been contested years back especially by the younger adults, today’s economic environment and alarming rate of unemployment created by the very wise men and women of our generation stands as a credit to the fact that bread is not to the wise. Also, visit to the most impoverished nations of the world with array of wise people buttresses this more.

Riches to men of understanding
God uses time and chance to influence riches to determine where it should go at any given time and those with understanding are at the mercy of time and chance. So understanding does not determine riches of any kind. The most advanced countries of the world today are inviting us to come and learn that the word of God is infallible. The understanding of the most advanced people of the world has suddenly resulted to disappointment, poverty, debt and sorrows. “Understanding” is good and should be sort after but riches do not lend itself just to the men of understanding.

Favour to men of skill
God uses time and chance to influence favour thereby determining where it should go either to a person with skill or not. Skill therefore does not determine favour. Many skilled people are working in Jobs that are meant for the unskilled in various sectors of the economy because of lack of favour and vice versa.
There is only one thing that can make man fail to understand this crucial messenger of time and chance and that is man’s pride.

All answered prayers are stored till an appointed time and chance creates the event(s) that births the purpose of God. God had determined that John the Baptist was going to be six months older than Jesus and for that reason, pray Zechariah and Elizabeth the much they want, she could not get pregnant before the “due” season. God is truly sovereign!

Time and chance puts all men under the mercy of the spiritual. For the spiritual controls the physical. Those that worship God through Jesus Christ alone by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit enjoy time and chance because the alpha and omega, the creator of all things visible and invisible, the Lord of Lords, the lion of the tribe of Judea and the Prince of peace grants them to live and move and have their being in Him and with Him (Acts 17:28). This should ignite fresh confidence, appreciation and thankfulness to Jesus Christ for saving us who have become the heirs of salvation and joint heirs with Him.

The secrets, power, wisdom and love of God are beyond searching out! Which other god has been wise enough to dwell outside of time- which, has power and love so deep to secure his or her worshipers outside of time?- none but the ONLY true God and father of our Lord and saviour Christ Jesus. To Him be all praise, glory, adoration and thanks for all eternity. He has hidden all of His sons in Christ who dwell outside of time and uses time as a servant to run His errands for the heirs of this most precious salvation to their ultimate benefit and destruction of Satan, his cohorts and those that prefer him (Satan) to their creator.

Those that reject Jesus Christ, and those that use His name for participation in abomination that cause desolation in the Holy place (His temple-us), time and chance holds defeat for them when victory will be needed the most. Every soul needs victory on the day of the race of life, on that day bread is needed which are the riches of the heart and favour, for those are the indispensable gifts that win the battle of death which must come to every soul at the appointed time.

At the appointed time, chance kicks in, for time and chance are mutual friends!

If you have read this article up to here and you are not a believer and follower of Jesus Christ I will plead with you to see this as an opportunity of God’s orchestration to bring you into a lively relationship with Jesus. Ask him to come into your heart as you will ask your natural father, mother or friend to visit you and perhaps help you with a need. Like the song goes, “Sometimes in our lives We all have pain We all have sorrow But if we are wise We know that there’s always tomorrow Lean on me, When you’re not …”. Maybe yesterday you postponed making friends with Jesus and now, today is that tomorrow you said in your heart that you will consider Jesus’ invitation as in the song- “Lean on me”. Jesus is the best friend both the wise and foolish need. He does not have pain neither does He have sorrow now. He finished with both over two thousand years ago for the sake of mankind- He understands pain and sorrow like no one else do. Now, He seats as the only prince of peace to all who need peace and help. God bless you as you enter into this relationship with Jesus with new horizon of joy and peace that surpass all understanding.

A good place to turn to for clearer understanding of your new friend if you have just invited Jesus into your heart will be the bible and not some Christians out there. Your fellowship should be with the one (JESUS CHRIST) you have made friends with First and then with Him guiding you to fellowship with others. Remember to Judge God by your experience with Jesus and not the people you fellowship with—for they are but followers just like you. And every follower is yet learning from the master (Jesus).

If you are a believer in Jesus Christ and He is your savior and Lord, be strong and confident that time and chance can only work and is working for your ultimate good. The beginning and the middle of a matter is important and many times calls for patience, endurance, long suffering but it culminates to the best beauty at the end. That is why there is need to persevere in the interim no matter how things seem to be turning out for you. Exercise your God given faith and trust Him that He is working in every event facing you right now for your blessing. We must remember- without faith is impossible to please God that is why He has given us faith. If we must please Him, we must do so now while we are in this world.

For everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world— our faith (1 John 5:4).

God is today helping all who are engaged to Jesus to hasten towards the unspeakable joy of the marriage feast of the lamb (Rev 19:7). And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death (Rev 12:11).


Being Led By The Spirit

It is very easy for man to turn every beautiful gift of God to his own means for achieving his own selfish desires and it always leads to sincere errors and misplacement of priorities fostered by misinterpretation of God’s word that is perfect and well capable of converting the soul and keeping it in the straight and narrow.

The extract below from George Warnock’s book ” Beauty For Ashes Part 4” -Chain Reaction in Realms of the Spirit- Chap 6, being lead by the spirit: sheds helpful light to bear in mind as one desires to be lead by the spirit of God.

“Let us not emphasize this matter of being led by the Spirit, in the context of things temporal or geographical. These are important too, but if we are faithful to be led by the Lord into living truth, and into realms heavenly and spiritual, then I am sure we will find ourselves doing the right things regarding the temporal, and being in the proper place geographically. If we are moving in the Spirit, and walking in God’s will, we will always discover that we are in God’s place at God’s time. I believe all this is a vital part of Jesus’ promise: “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.”

One of the things the lord has been teaching me over the years and which I am still learning day by day is that all of his business is inspired and accomplished by His spirit. So desiring to fervently join oneself to Gods’ business as He inspires it will always mean readiness to hold His admonition in Rom 12:3-8 also fervently.

Close attention to Rom 12:3-8 above reveals the following:

[a] It is admonished to every member including those who have been gifted with any of the five-fold ministries and the elders in Christ’s body in the context of a local assembly.

[b] It is the responsibility of each member of the body of Christ at a local assembly to be faithful to think soberly according to the measure of faith and grace God has given to him in such a way that honours God.

[c] It is not the responsibility of anyone else to enforce upon another.

[d] It forbids that any man should assume or be assigned a responsibility beyond his measure of faith and grace.

[e] It also means that none should be depraved or suppressed to function to the measure of faith and grace given to him or her by God.

These understanding shows that if one thinks of himself with more than the measure of faith and grace already existing in one’s life at a particular time, the person dishonors God and it shows itself in the way it generates schism or disrupts the fellowship of the gathering of saints.

Also, if one thinks of himself with less than the measure of faith and grace already existing in his life at a particular time, he dishonors God and robs the gathering of saints the blessing God intents to flow out from him as a vessel or temple. So thinking more highly or less of oneself is dishonoring God. Treating any vessel of God more highly or less as needed is also dishonoring God and creating room for the enemy to attack that vessel and consequently the Church.

Paul was almost tempted to boast because his authority (measure of faith and grace) was challenged unduly. Also, Paul and Apollos was at one time looked upon more highly than they ought not to be and they resisted the brethren from such mindset that dishonor God and put them in danger. It also occurred when Barnabas and Paul was almost worshiped as deity by some pagan oriented community that was freshly embracing the message of Christ.

Everyone in Christ is either contributing positively or negatively to God’s business on the earth. You and I need to withdraw often to examine our lives closely in the light of the above exhortation. The body of Christ must be given fervent attention but not in and with the fleshly mind.

I believe we’re once again in a time of great opportunity to be used by God to demonstrate His love and power to the dying world and to His discouraged sheep that are fast being swept away by every wind of doctrines.

There is a returning to our first love for one another that I believe God is waiting on us for that will usher in an incredible response to our prayers for demonstration of His power in us to heal, do miracles, signs and wonders at a pace, magnitude and depth that will not only equal what we read in the early Church but even more as prophesied by Joel and confirmed by Jesus Christ.

As we keep drawing close to the time of God, the need to obey God’s instruction on how to build His temple will be more urgent and needed.

One instruction that stands out is the instruction not to quarry the stones of the temple in the temple house but to do it at the site where the stone is- shaping it to fit its place at the temple house (1 Kings 6:7). By interpretation, every stone (each believer) must at their private place give God chance to shape them into what He intends to use them for in His house (church-gathering of saints). It is time for brothers that tends to work together and those working together to love themselves deeply and know themselves not just after the manner of flesh but more importantly after the spirit as God have known each vessel.

Private disagreements must be seen as private and settled fast in sincerity privately without making it the Church’s issue and then dragging others into it because of the influence (measure of faith and grace) God has given us. All God given faith and grace is for building up not for religious politics. Thank God He has anointed the ears of His sheep with ear salve to enable them hear His teaching, reproof, correction and training in righteous conducts and love. The warning for us is to be wise and fear God who remains a consuming fire even in our dispensation of grace.

May the Lord continue to multiple His mercy and grace to His Church that in all things, in thought, words and deeds; we might please Him as He weighs the intentions and actions of each lively stone in His house.


Imputed Righteousness: Newness of Life

In the previous post, I said that the words of the bible are better experienced than defined (1 John 1:1). That point is important for us all to always remember.

It is necessary to note that there are people who do not have Christ in their heart yet they live righteously. The scripture warns us not to argue about this (1 John 3:7). This point is crucial in understanding the righteousness that God calls His people to- His righteousness that grows out as a fruit from His branches (Rom 11:6). God is not looking for the fruit of the righteous man. He is looking for the fruit that buds from His (Gods’) branches. This should not confuse anyone at all. There are many righteous people that are not godly.

Now, the scripture declares that any branch that does not bear fruit will be cut off, gathered and burnt. In the same vein, salt must retain its saltiness else it will be good for nothing but to be thrown away because its purpose is not being served (John 15:2 & 6, Matt 5:13, Rev 8:7). It is worthy to note that salt CANNOT make itself salty. The salt has to keep or persevere in its saltiness.

In Mark 11:12-14, we read an interesting story depicting the Lord’s reaction to the fig tree which speaks of followers of Christ. In Jer 17:6 the shrub typifies Christians who fail to put their trust in the Lord when they know they should because they are waiting for a change in their circumstance, i.e., fig season. Like the fig tree in Mark 11 they have many unprofitable seasons for the Lord- forgetting the instruction to worship and bear fruit in season and out of season. The shrub in Jer 17:6 does not know the time and seasons of the Lord and makes no adequate preparation to meet the Lord like the five foolish virgins. Therefore, this shrub believes in the theology of men’s wisdom but suddenly and unbelievably the Lord curses it which is equivalent to what the Lord said to the five foolish virgins after the door was shut, “I do not know you” (Matt 25:11-12). The door was shut against them contrary to what carnal minded theologians are teaching today.

Regarding Mark 11:13, we know without a shadow of doubt that Jesus knew the condition of that tree. Will He who knew that Nathanael was under the fig tree without physically seeing him there and knowing he was a man in whose spirit there was no guile, not know about the fig tree’s condition? (John 1:47-48). Judas was a tree that was not given to Jesus by His father though he was a follower of Jesus unlike Nathanael meaning “God has given”. Jesus without physically being on the earth today, still knows the trees that are abiding and bearing fruit. He does not need to come near or return first to find out.

Let us turn our attention again to Jer 17:7-8 and observe what the tree did that earned it commendation. Before we rush to talk about its fruit in verse 8 we can’t fail to talk about its trust in the lord which produced the visible fruit that the Lord was looking for. The fruit is constant in all seasons because nourishment comes to it ceaselessly. The trust and the river is the secret of the fruit harvest. The root is Jesus (Rom 11:18, Isa 11:10, Rom 15:12)

Many of us have unwisely and some deliberately failed to observe and acknowledge this mystery of godliness. Some say they have power to live righteously and have been trapped in legalism and holier than thou guilt ridden life and are looking for those that will be enslaved like them. Another group is forcefully arguing that the Lord is not too concerned about fruit because He knows we’re poor sinners who cannot be perfect while we’re in the mortal body defending their position with Paul’s statement in Rom 7:21 and other scriptures. These groups are to be highly pitied because the serpent has beguiled them like he did Eve- twisting the Holy word that is able to save not just our spirit but our soul too.

In this writing, I know the Lord is challenging anyone struggling with any sin be it Homosexuality, lust, drunkenness, spirit of preeminence, envy, backbiting – any kind of sin no matter how sinful, addictive and long lasting it has held you captive despite your profession of Christ, to enter into God’s open secret (Jesus Christ) with the weapon of trust in him by setting your mind on Him and staying unmovable in the place of his river (word). I guarantee you will experience a dimension of God’s mercy, grace (power), beauty of holiness, renewal of your mind and clarity of the person of Jesus Christ that moves the weak in Christ from one degree of glory to another and another and yet many more. The mind set on Christ overcomes sin (Heb 4:16).

Upon entrusting our lives to Jesus wholly and entirely our flesh is crucified and our bodies are continually being mortified. This way of submitting ourselves to Jesus not only as saviour but as our Lord opens a realm of reality that we’re in this world but not of this world and propels us to earnestly seek after our true home. It brings us into a realm of faith in God that is beyond the foundational as exhorted in (Heb 6:1-2). It helps us keep in sober judgment of ourselves and others and thrusts us into an understanding of God’s love that may present us as foolish and stupid in the eyes of the wise and religious champions of this world.

Indeed the Lord is looking for the weak and broken. May He find you and me!

The weak and broken are those who are breathless without consistent trust in the Lord and continuous study, proclamation and meditation on the living word. In Joshua 1:8 and Deut 17:19-20 we read these words “so that” and “that he may” which is an emphasis that no fruit will be produced without adherence to their preceding exhortation.

The ability to carry on with life normally and smoothly without the aforementioned admonition is a sign of those that are strong in themselves and have their own righteousness. With or without the Lord they can work for God and have plenty of leaves to present like the fig tree!

In John 2:1-8 & 9, Jesus did not just turn water into wine- He is that very wine. God is looking for new jars of clay (new wine skins) that He will pour His new wine (Jesus Christ) into and serve this thirsty world whose party wine has run out and disappointed them. He is not looking for old wine skin like the big brother of the prodigal son but He is urgently looking for priests and kings that will enjoy bond-servant-hood and who will be truly happy to welcome strayed sheep coming out of the pig’s pen. He is looking for those who will learn His heart of love, forgiveness and not lay claim to their own rights.

The newness of life that we as Christians live and enjoy is based only on the righteousness that God has credited to us in Christ. Our invitation now is to go ahead and start spending the credit like we will spend inherited cash. The cash so to speak, is not worked for, but the one who left the inheritance expects that the money be spent wisely. This privilege of the inheritance should not be used as an occasion for laziness, wickedness, or in such a way to disrespect and bring disgrace to the name of God (Gal 5:13).

To help achieve the above the one (Christ) who left the inheritance, sends a spokes man (Holy Spirit) to teach, guide and help us live in such a way that it will be maximally beneficial to us, bless others and ultimately bring praise and glory to him. That way, others will see and desire the same inheritance and it will constantly serve as an opportunity to point them to the giver of the inheritance who chooses those He gives the gift (salvation). Put more clearly, he actually stays in us and with us to spend the cash through us. The result is that we’re not actually the ones spending it but the real owner spending it through us the inheritors (….his grace to me was not without effect. No, I worked harder than all of themyet not I, but the grace of God that was with me.1 Cor 15:10).

Now the task for us which we have been empowered to do is to allow him flow through us (Phil 3:9).This is not like the old regime where some men including Paul gained blameless righteousness (Phil 3:4-7).

But, we’re accustomed to spending our own cash (righteousness) which is not the accepted currency in the new country (God’s kingdom) we’ve been admitted into. This country does not practice democracy- in fact no election is permitted. Everyone in the kingdom is a servant serving as a priest and king under the King of kings.

God’s law has become the law of Christ; the law of Christ is what all that have been gifted with righteousness must live by and the only way to obey this law is to set our minds continually on Christ. Anyone who fails to grasp this truth for spiritual living will never abide in Christ as a branch (Rom 8:6a, 8 & 13a)
(…..Even though I am not subject to the law….. 1 Cor 9:20) and (…But I do not ignore the law of God; I obey the law of Christ 1 Cor 9:21)

Seeing all these things, what kind of persons ought we to be who claim to be followers of Christ! We ought to love and fear the Lord by setting our mind on Christ who has accomplished all of God’s requirements for us. He is still interceding for us that He may through us live out His father’s will as He did with mere unlearned fisher men like Peter and his colleagues, learned men like Barrister Paul and Dr Luke, the little boy with five loaves and two fish, the Samaritan woman and Rahab the prostitute.

Like Gideon, you are a mighty warrior equipped with a far better weapon than him and John the baptist. Therefore, let us fight with the new weapon that is well tested and tried- the two edged sword and the blood of Christ (the highest sacrifice) that has defeated carnality and the devil. Let no one deceive you – you are equipped to win (live above any sin) IF you truly desire to do with Christ who was tempted in all areas of human weakness but was found without sin.


Imputed Righteousness

The words of the bible are better experienced than described or defined. However, defining it is wise in that it helps us gain a better understanding of what we experience with God in our faith.

Definition of Imputed or Credited Righteousness

Imputed righteousness is the righteousness of God that is given to accompany the gift of salvation to those whom God has drawn and have repented from rejecting Jesus to accepting Him as the Son of God- the only sacrificial lamb of God that takes away (forgives) the “sin” and sins of all who receive Him into their heart (spirit). This less than split second event regenerates the spirit of man, sanctifies and merges it with holy personage (John 6:44, Ps 32:1-2, Heb 10:10, 14).

The contribution of man to the above event is none other than accepting the beauty of that event as a gift by faith (Eph 2:8). The event is worked by God’s grace alone.

From the above description, we understand that there is a righteousness which is a gift from God. It is the nature of God coming into mortal man. He forgives his “sin” which is his Adamic nature and his present acts of sins which is a result of the inherited sin nature from Adam. God because of Christ’s preordained sacrifice grants regenerated mortal man eternal life to be lived with Him the Almighty eternal God (John 3:16). The enjoyment of that eternal life starts immediately after regeneration (John 3:36).

This event that transpires within the heart of the man who receives Christ establishes him as perfectly righteous (Heb 12:22-23, 10:14, Luke 15:10,). The paramount points about imputed righteousness are that we cannot earn it by doing supposedly righteous acts or obeying the law of commandments and we cannot improve on it.

It is this new holy personage that God has changed the saved (John 3:3 born-again) into that makes the scripture describe the regenerate as new creation (2 Cor 5:17). And everyone who has been changed to a new creation by the washing of the blood of Jesus Christ is also welcomed into a newness of life. The old life of helplessly rejecting or hating God as a result of the Adamic nature which caused the mind to be set on the flesh -sinful instinct- (Rom 8:7, Gal 5:17, Rom 3:9) has now been arrested and defeated through the cross of Christ and His resurrection which we participate in by baptism (Col 2:12). Therefore the loud call is; walk in the newness of life which pleases God by setting the mind on the Spirit (Christ) whose instinct is always to do the Father’s will (Matt 26:41, John 4:34).

It is important to note that the clarion call is not to create a new righteousness by obeying laws but to walk in accordance with the imputed righteousness which is already working in the heart and finding it’s expression in the mind though heavily resisted because it is new to the mind which has been accustomed to enjoying the instinct of the old nature (John 10:27, Rom 12:2, 8:14, Gal 5:17).

Ephesians 2:2 makes it clear that all obedience is a response to the working of spirits in the heart (Matt 12:35). Those that reject Christ and they that set their mind on the flesh will listen to spirits that hate God knowingly or unknowingly. I must stress that when we talk about the righteousness that God demands (His righteousness), all our righteousness at best is like filthy rags. A Good example is that of Ananias and Sapphira (Acts 5:1). Man’s righteousness is always stained with deceit. Except God’s righteousness was shone on Ananias and Sapphira seeming righteousness no one could have perceived the filthiness of their outward fine works (Isa 64:6). So Rom 8:14 should stop sounding strange or viewed as over spirituality to us. It is the originating point of serving God who is a Spirit (John 4:24)

The imputed righteousness (Jesus Christ) is the nature of God which works in the mind as a law (Rom 10:4). That is why God promised that He will write the law in His people’s minds (Heb 10:16).

The imputed righteousness works in the heart (our spirit) and in our minds (soul) and finds its expression in our bodies like a fruit growing out from a branch nourished from the vine to which it is attached (John15:5) – Without Christ there is no righteousness. You and I must avail ourselves of the grace of God opened to us through Jesus Christ and contend to set our minds on the Spirit which enables us to reciprocate the loving-kindness God has shown to us who are recipients of His salvation. Jesus makes this clear when He said, “If you love me keep my commandments”. Let’s note He said my commandments (Jesus commandments) not the Ten Commandments or better still three hundred and sixty-six commandments given only to the Israelites. Yes! It was given only to the Israelites because the Gentiles were without the law of God (Rom 2:14, Acts 2:23).

The imputed righteousness is for all nations, tribes, peoples and languages that have been called into Christ (Acts 2:39, Rev 7:9). So Jesus (the imputed righteousness 1 Cor 1:30) is one law and culture that cuts across every other culture and to which all people MUST obey. This is why His resurrection afforded us the Holy Spirit that speaks the voice of Christ to God’s sheep. Every sheep of God MUST hear the voice of Jesus with the circumcised ear of the heart or else that sheep is not a sheep indeed but a goat which has no part in the ministry of Jesus Christ (John 10:4-5, Matt 25:32-33).

Having looked at imputed righteousness and seen it is the perfect righteousness of God that cannot be worked for or improved upon, we will look at the newness of life that proceeds from this gift of righteousness that is buried in our Jar of clay (2 Cor 4:6-7, 1 Cor 6:19) in the next post.


Grace and Obedience

We live in a time when we’re quick to tell people that they’re born-again or they’re saved because of our eagerness to count numbers and show how successful we are in being fishers of men. It is wrong and nobody should allow anyone to inflict them with such punishment because that is what it will eventually amount to.

The grace that saves those foreknown and predestined by God to salvation cannot be gotten by a minister pronouncing it on somebody. The only way to salvation is accepting Jesus Christ personally in the heart.

Saving grace is not a wishy-washy airy force but is a person (Jesus Christ) and that’s why every invitation to salvation in the bible is phrased with receive or believe IN Christ (John1:12, Rom 10:9-10, Acts 4:12).

Jesus Christ is alive today and tomorrow IN those who are saved and being saved. Therefore, He speaks, teaches and helps those who have become His temple to obey Him (Titus 2:11-12, John10:27).

Salvation by grace alone through faith IN Jesus Christ is the only guarantee and the hope for eternal life with Almighty God, the creator of the heavens and earth and all that is in them.

Every teaching that makes character or obedience the basis of salvation and not grace is heresy. In the same light, any teaching on grace that negates obedience to Jesus Christ is equally heretical.

God has made provision for His children to grow in grace while on the earth clothed with mortal body. This growth continues all the days of our lives on the earth. If any man clothed with mortal body professes to have reached perfection in the growth or use of grace, that man is closer to committing the same sin of pride that Lucifer committed and became Satan.

Godly wisdom is to acknowledge that the flesh will continue to war against the Spirit in us all the days of our life on the earth and to learn not to make provision for it to overwhelm us. To walk in this light, the Apostle Paul practised putting the flesh under (mortification) through the grace of God that was working in and through him.

The hope of saints (God’s children) is the coming resurrection which is by the grace (power) of God at the return of Jesus Christ who is the first begotten Son from the dead, the alpha and omega, the author and finisher of our faith.

The grace of future resurrection which works within us even now is going to open to God’s sons a dimension of joy of being completely sold out to God in spirit, soul and importantly body like never before. Those who are truly and earnestly seeking this hope, are presently experiencing a richness of grace in words and in deeds as their mind is being renewed by the “hidden manna” of God’s word and prayers (Rom 2:7, Rom 12:2). Their hunger and taste for righteousness (desire to respond to the Holy Spirit by the grace working within) is being satisfied in an increasing measure and they are becoming more accustomed to responding even more promptly (Matt 5:6, Heb 5:14). They are enjoying and walking in an increasing measure of the imputed righteousness in such a heart-warming way that opposes antinomianism (the doctrine suggesting that the imputed righteousness cannot be manifested in our flesh).

The scripture makes it clear God has saved all who are in Christ and the salvation incorporates the spirit, soul and body. The body will be the last rebel to be changed once and for all eternity. The victory God gives to all His people presently is to indicate to us that God has the power to subject the flesh and will eventually do so as immortality swallows mortality through the resurrection power (life) of Christ by the Holy Spirit at His appearing. (Rom 13:14, 1 Cor 6:20; 2 Cor 4:7)

The word of God is complete and perfect — revealing every truth that will help us walk with Him faithfully. Peter clearly warns people who are unstable to stay clear from wanting to teach or interpret Paul’s writings and the reason is stated plainly. It is the grace he received and not his seminary degree(s) that granted him wisdom and understanding of God’s word. The grace given to Paul stabilized his life and granted him the ability to follow after Christ with singleness of heart which manifested in his good character which challenged the early Church and still challenge all true believers today. Those who wrestle with stability have to ask for grace to deal with double mindedness which is often caused by squirrel eye. This is the main reason so many confuse the free gift of salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ and the work that it continues to do in the lives of recipients of salvation.

It is obvious we need to walk in the footsteps of Jesus which makes us His followers. He even said it plainly, “if you love me, keep my commandments” – meaning, follow me! (John 14:15, 1 John 5:2-3).

To receive an inheritance and refuse to follow in the footsteps of the one who suffered and even died to procure that inheritance is to say the least defiant and reckless. Disobedient children cause shame to their parents.

The Foundation of Father and sons relationship is love. God is LOVE!

God is not only Love, He is also just and so He does not force those who reject Him to obey Him. If a child refuses to return love and obedience to his father for his kindness towards him, the father’s arms will always be open to receive him IF only he chooses to return. But let’s remember the joy of returning is that the child is ready and willing with singleness of purpose to now reciprocate his father’s loving-kindness with love and obedience.

When the prodigal son remembered his father in the time he was wallowing in sin, it was the loving-kindness of the father’s provision that stood out in his face. He did not deliberately scorn or deny that memory- that would have been horrible as it could have stopped him from returning to where he rightfully belonged but was deceived to abscond from.

We need to look at the story of the prodigal son from at least two perspectives.

Firstly, the prodigal son will represent all humans born into this world as sinners because of the first Adam’s departure from God.

Secondly, it speaks about those who have come into Christ but at some point for whatever reason(s) decide to retreat for a short while, long while or ….. (Heb 10:26-31).

Drew Dyck’s book entitled Generation EX-Christians has useful insights worth grasping as it also challenges one to gratefully hold firmly to Jesus and not neglect or give up on prodigal sons but to prayerfully reach out to them in hope to reassure them of the open arms of a loving father.

I love the way this book refocuses our eyes on the scriptures. For no ignorant person can bring the light of the gospel to a dying world or strayed sheep. With all the complexity of modern cultural evolution contributing to the sad situation, he’s managed appreciably and laudably to sniff out causes of the increase in the prodigal lives of today’s Christian youths and that is a useful tool. For one thing, it will help us direct our prayers more pointedly as we seek to reach them lovingly. It exhorts us to check our attitudes in Church that contributes in fostering this sad events.

The scripture clearly states that deliberately lying against the goodness of God done by the Holy Spirit in ones heart will disqualify one from the father’s love and consequently forgiveness (Mark 3:28-29, Isa 63:10). The whosoever or anyone in Mark as quoted above is important to note. This is particularly truer for the second category of the prodigals.

For those who have received God’s predestined salvation it doesn’t come easy for them to lie against God within their heart (Isa 63:8). The “within” is important because many times godly people may tell lies to others under immerse pressure (Luke 22:55-62) but their heart still holds to the truth of God and that is what eventually drives them to repent and turn to God dispersing the shame and ridicule they caused themselves and to God’s name.

The above point is part of the reason we MUST obey the instruction of God not to judge anyone’s heart. We do not know the heart of others except when God occasionally reveals it for definite purpose(s) at a particular time (1 Cor 4:5, Acts 5:3, Acts 8:21-22, John 1:47).
